martes, 12 de junio de 2012

The Veterinary Medicine in my life

Hello everybody, Today I will write about why I chose veterinary medicine and how I want to work when I finished my degree.
First, I will comment that since I was child I dreamed whit to be a "doctor of dogs" beacuse I wanted to care the animals and my mother said that I will be a doctor of dogs xD. Then, at the end of primary I take conscience about my future and the real implications of the work and it did that I confirm my intention of to be a a veterinary. This idea  grew when I knowed more about the science and the biology, because it liked to me very much and is very relationated whit the animals and the medicine veterinary.
In conclusion, my desision of medicine veterinary was because I wanted to work whit animals, and this not mean that I want to care animals necessarily, because I was ready to work in production, camp of the job related whit the care of animals, but be killed.
However, when I finished my degree y would like to work in "medicine of smalls animals", specificly in surgery because I would work directly with animals and I could see like the work of organs (anatomy and biology of the animal).
When I graduated of secundary, I didn´t have other option beacudes I only wanted veterinary medicine, and had to be in the Universidad of Chile. Even, the first time that I postulated to the University, I wasn't accepted, so I has a "sabbatical year" that I use for to work and prepare the "PSU" and the next year I can to enter, and it was the best election because now I am very happy in the faculty, vaery happpy with my classmates and very happy with what I study =).

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