jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

My favorite website

Hello everybody, today I will write about my favorite internet's page. I know that is a few known website and my classmates perhaps don't know it, but the page is Youtube.... jajajajjaja I know, I know, the website is the website more choosed for my classmates, but I had to choose it because really is my favorite page (after Facebook, but I couldn't choose it because the teacher said that NO xD).
http://www.youtube.com  is a page that allows to the users upload and share their videos and songs whit all the people. Also, if see this of other viwpoint, we can to see all class of videos and enjoy listening music. This is the reason for I knew Youtube around four years ago, or more, I don't remember so good, and is too the reason for which I chose it like my favorite page.
I visit this page every days practically; when I want to listen music or if I'm boring too ajjajajaj
Also, allows create an acount in where we can to save videos and create playlists thanks to the options that Youtube grants.
I have listened about "channels", but really I don't know what and for wath are this, because I don't use this. May be that I use it, but I don't know xD.
I would add a picture, but would be the logo of the company, and I have viewed the blogs of my classmates that  chose Youtube, and put the same image, and I don't want to be like them, so I will don't put a picture (in the instructions says that I CAN include a picture jajajajaja, and I will not it!! jaajja xD)

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