martes, 12 de junio de 2012

My favorite dog breeds

In this opportunity, I will speak about my favorite dog breeds, and although I have to mention two, I will mention three, because are three the breeds that I like.

The first is the irish setter, a dog originated in irelnad and relatively big, but thin, with a reddish fur. Is very friendly! and it is one of the reasons of why I like. But too I like precisely for their fur, I think that this reddish fur is very attractive.
I don't have one of them, but I have kwown people that has this dogs and, like I said, are very friendly pets. Also, they are very quiet, and for this are spectarular pets for childs and old people.

The second breed that I like is the alaskan malamute (too can be the siberian husky, that is a breed very similar). This breed is characterized because the dogs are like wolves, with a thick fur, for resist the low temperatures of the north of America, zone in that they live. Their similitude whit wolves is a thing that I like because in novels like "White Fang", "Balto" (a movie) or "The call of the wild", are wolves or dogs-wolf like main characters, and how this stories I liked, I think that have been that I take liking for this dogs.

Finally, the thirth breed that I will mention is the samoyed, a similar breed to the alaskan malamute, but complitly white. They too livs in cold zones, but they originated in Russia and not in América (like the seconds). I think that I lik because too are similar to wolves, but more hairy and chubby jajajaja.
Although this three breeds like very much, I wouldn't have one because there are many dogs that don't have a house and I would have one of them. If this dogs that don't have house are some of the three mentioned, will be genial jajajajajja

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