jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

My favorite website

Hello everybody, today I will write about my favorite internet's page. I know that is a few known website and my classmates perhaps don't know it, but the page is Youtube.... jajajajjaja I know, I know, the website is the website more choosed for my classmates, but I had to choose it because really is my favorite page (after Facebook, but I couldn't choose it because the teacher said that NO xD).
http://www.youtube.com  is a page that allows to the users upload and share their videos and songs whit all the people. Also, if see this of other viwpoint, we can to see all class of videos and enjoy listening music. This is the reason for I knew Youtube around four years ago, or more, I don't remember so good, and is too the reason for which I chose it like my favorite page.
I visit this page every days practically; when I want to listen music or if I'm boring too ajjajajaj
Also, allows create an acount in where we can to save videos and create playlists thanks to the options that Youtube grants.
I have listened about "channels", but really I don't know what and for wath are this, because I don't use this. May be that I use it, but I don't know xD.
I would add a picture, but would be the logo of the company, and I have viewed the blogs of my classmates that  chose Youtube, and put the same image, and I don't want to be like them, so I will don't put a picture (in the instructions says that I CAN include a picture jajajajaja, and I will not it!! jaajja xD)

jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

I want to go to...

Really, I´m not interested in travel some place in specific. It because exist so many beautiful places in the world and I can not visit all in my life, and this do that I'm not interested in to do a travel because will know new things where will go, even in a travel outside the city.

But if I want to choose a country for visit I would choose Madagascar because there are many species of animals whit features that only have the organism that live there. This it because Madagascar is a island, and the evolution have made that animals and vegetables are different to any other in the world.
In spite of taht I like so much the animals, I wuold not live there because I want to work like veterinary of smalls animals, and in this country is not developed this area. I would live in Madagascar when I get older, when I will not work.
I don't know about the people of Madagascar, but really I don´t interested in them jajajajjaaj, because I like only the animals and vegetation of this contry ubicated to the east to Africa.

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

My favorite dog breeds

In this opportunity, I will speak about my favorite dog breeds, and although I have to mention two, I will mention three, because are three the breeds that I like.

The first is the irish setter, a dog originated in irelnad and relatively big, but thin, with a reddish fur. Is very friendly! and it is one of the reasons of why I like. But too I like precisely for their fur, I think that this reddish fur is very attractive.
I don't have one of them, but I have kwown people that has this dogs and, like I said, are very friendly pets. Also, they are very quiet, and for this are spectarular pets for childs and old people.

The second breed that I like is the alaskan malamute (too can be the siberian husky, that is a breed very similar). This breed is characterized because the dogs are like wolves, with a thick fur, for resist the low temperatures of the north of America, zone in that they live. Their similitude whit wolves is a thing that I like because in novels like "White Fang", "Balto" (a movie) or "The call of the wild", are wolves or dogs-wolf like main characters, and how this stories I liked, I think that have been that I take liking for this dogs.

Finally, the thirth breed that I will mention is the samoyed, a similar breed to the alaskan malamute, but complitly white. They too livs in cold zones, but they originated in Russia and not in América (like the seconds). I think that I lik because too are similar to wolves, but more hairy and chubby jajajaja.
Although this three breeds like very much, I wouldn't have one because there are many dogs that don't have a house and I would have one of them. If this dogs that don't have house are some of the three mentioned, will be genial jajajajajja

Togethers from child =)

Hello everybody!!! The topic of today is abut a photograph I like, and I chose one where I appear with my sister.
This photograpy should have been taken by my mother (although could be my father, but I don't think so because was my mother who taken many photos for remember old times). I appears with my twin sister and should have been about four-six years old. We was in a sweater of my father, and as we allways have been little, we could be in.
I like so much the photograpy because shows the unit betwen my sister and my from very young (more precisely, from born), thing very important to my because my sister is a big support in my life. Even, when I do somthing bad, like brake a glass, she helps me to solve the problem.
However, equally we discuss, but when we was child, we fought many to punching, and like I was more big, I allways strike her, but this don't happen now because if we have a problem, only discuss.

The Veterinary Medicine in my life

Hello everybody, Today I will write about why I chose veterinary medicine and how I want to work when I finished my degree.
First, I will comment that since I was child I dreamed whit to be a "doctor of dogs" beacuse I wanted to care the animals and my mother said that I will be a doctor of dogs xD. Then, at the end of primary I take conscience about my future and the real implications of the work and it did that I confirm my intention of to be a a veterinary. This idea  grew when I knowed more about the science and the biology, because it liked to me very much and is very relationated whit the animals and the medicine veterinary.
In conclusion, my desision of medicine veterinary was because I wanted to work whit animals, and this not mean that I want to care animals necessarily, because I was ready to work in production, camp of the job related whit the care of animals, but be killed.
However, when I finished my degree y would like to work in "medicine of smalls animals", specificly in surgery because I would work directly with animals and I could see like the work of organs (anatomy and biology of the animal).
When I graduated of secundary, I didn´t have other option beacudes I only wanted veterinary medicine, and had to be in the Universidad of Chile. Even, the first time that I postulated to the University, I wasn't accepted, so I has a "sabbatical year" that I use for to work and prepare the "PSU" and the next year I can to enter, and it was the best election because now I am very happy in the faculty, vaery happpy with my classmates and very happy with what I study =).