jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

My favorite animals

There are many beautiful and amazing animals in the worl, so the election was dificult, but finally I chose two; the most big of all land animals, the elephant and a fast and resistant hunter of the forzen grounds, the Wolf.

The elephants
Really I don't know the reason for that I like so much this animal, but I think is related whit are big and robusted animals that can to protect their fellows. Also are very sociables between themselves and whit humans too in some cases.
Elephants are herbivorous animals that can eat so much food due its size and a feature extremely amazing is their inteligence.

The Wolves
The wolf are the other spece of animal that I chose, and I do it because the wolf is an animal that can work togther more wolfs for hunt their prey, because they are carnivores and alone the can´t to kill one big (like reindeer or buffalos).
I think that I like this animals because when I was a chile, I read books and saw movis about wolf stories (the book "White Fangand or""Balto" and its liked very much. Also, some dogs seem wolfs, and this is very good because is like if I have One jajajja.

There are the animals that I chose

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

I think that...

Hello, I will comment about some issues of actuality.

1 - What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
R : Really, my opinion about the Chilean politicians is not so good, because I don't think that they are true representantives of the real Chilean because politics, in Chile, are pepople with good economic situation thanks their companies, the most are entrepreneurs, and don´t know the real situation of many people. Also I too think that they work in this job only for to protect their self interest.

2.- What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
R : This point is a point very interesting to my beacuse I like so much the animals and I admit that we have a problem white the stray dogs, however, only kill dogs isn't the solution to the problem because when I kill a dog, to the next week apper one new.
The real solution is educate to the people for that sterilize their pets and understand the disadvantages of have stray dogs and complementary to this, kill dogs, but like a complementary option, not like the principal.

3. - What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana? 
R : I think that the majijuana should be lelalized because has been shown marijuana is not more hamful that cigarettes and if the cigarettes are legals... Also, they can be used for to calm pain of ill people.

4.- What is your opinion about  climate change? 
R : "Late or ealy, the sun too will die", this is a premise from we can extract that the Earth too will die, and possibly all the life in it. So the climatic change is only a step in the life of the planet, beacuse remember, similar situations has had our planet.

5.- What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
R :  I think that the "barras bravas" are a very bad thing because don't let to the common people to enjoy the football in stadiums.A familiar instance, where should be sure and pacific, dominate the violence and danger.

Here a spanish video related whit the topic xD jjajaja

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


The laptop is my favourite techonogical device, not for its historic importance, but yes for the convenience and entertainment that gratns to me.
I buy my laptop two years ago, but is in perfect conditions because I care very much and it has a security system of "frozen" and has worked exellently =).

As I said, the laptop grant to me convenience and entertainment, this beacuse in it I make works for the university, I can contac to people using internet and I play music too. Also I used it for to play many games, I like one called "Ragnarok", a on line game that only play in a computer, in my case, my laptop.
For last, I must to highlight that all I said can do in any place for the portability that has a laptop.